What more can I say, but OMG! This little boy is so beautiful. He was supposed to be a forth of July baby, however, he had other plans for his mommy and daddy and ended up coming 2 weeks early! Ryan Navid was welcomed into this world by his mommy Stacey and daddy Omid along with many other family members and friends. This shoot was one that I will hold close to my heart since Stacey is like family to me. Her big sis, Nicole and I have been friends since jr. high! It was a little strange to watch Stacey cradling her newborn baby when all I could think about was.....she's not old enough! Well I guess that's what happens when time flies. I had so much fun with them and they are two of the MOST laid back first time parents I have ever seen. Stacey and I had a laugh too when Ryan started fussing and I asked Omid if he needed me to get a bottle or a pacifier and he looked up and said "no, he likes it if I walk around with him, he'll get quiet in a minute". It was so cute to see this new daddy taking charge as if he had been doing it for years. I loved it. Most dads would have just handed the baby to mom, but not Omid. Thank you for letting me share in this experience with you. Ryan is so beautiful and you are WONDERFUL parents. By the way...I LOVE the name you picked. But I guess I'm a little bias since my baby has the same name. Great minds think alike. I love you.